Quality management at schools: Short-term solutions on the web-site for teachers and learners of English as a secondary language from a German point of view
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We have learned:

1. How to look at tasks:

2. How to speak English only:
You are slickers (gerissene Kerle) You are
3. How to be prepared: 4. How to write a dictation:

5. how to write a weather report

6. Punctuation marks:

. full stop

, comma, period - hyphen

! exclamation mark

? question mark

: colon

; semi-colon

"....................." quotation marks

(beginning of quotation.......end of quotation)

- dash

( ..............)in brackets

A is a CAPITAL letter

a is a small letter

' an apostrophe (one or two letters are missing or something belongs to somebody
   it'll be/ Mr Miller's

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